Don’t leave your safety to chance. Don't wait until it's too late to prioritize your safety. n an era where personal safety is of ...

A recent study conducted in Vietnam involving 1,000 adults who tested positive for mild COVID-19 infections but did not require hospitalization indicates a potential ...

Serbian epidemiologists issue a warning of a potential measles epidemic due to decreasing child vaccination rates. ...

LA County is dealing with a serious health challenge. Many people are getting sick with respiratory illnesses like cough, COVID-19, flu, and RSV. ...

World Economic Forum's upcoming meeting includes a session on "Preparing for Disease X," highlighting the potential threat of an unknown pathogen causing a global ...

Amid a surge in respiratory illnesses, New York City public hospitals have reintroduced mask mandates to curb the spread. ...

The recent surge in RSV infections among the younger population in the United States has sparked growing concerns among health authorities. ...

California is grappling with a severe crisis in its poultry industry as the avian flu takes a devastating toll, claiming the lives of over ...

Concerns mount as JN.1 variant dominates COVID-19 cases in the United States; CDC warns of rapid spread and potential impact on infections and hospitalizations. ...

The SC abortion ban ruling is further worsening the case, as many southern states have already legalized abortion bans in their respective areas. ...