United States: The H5N1 avian influenza virus currently circulating on dairy and poultry farms in the United States has found a populace largely devoid of prior immunity, according to preliminary assessments by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  ...

This comprehensive three-year investigation delves into the enduring impact and mortality risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 infections. ...

The latest study delving into adolescent CBD utilization has provided intriguing insights into this burgeoning phenomenon. ...

Despite the proven safety and efficacy of vaccines, the uptake of flu, whooping cough, and COVID-19 vaccinations among pregnant women remains concerningly low. ...

Amidst a precarious lull in the relentless battle against COVID-19, a newly identified variant emerges as a cause for concern among health authorities. ...

Health experts are sounding the alarm as a rare but potentially deadly fungal infection appears to be spreading more widely than previously understood. ...

A recent study established a concerning association between the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and an increased risk of mortality from chronic respiratory diseases. ...

A recent study conducted by scholars at the University of Minnesota has uncovered promising implications regarding the use of a common diabetes medication in combating COVID-19. ...

Amidst the prevailing calm in the United States following the tumult of COVID-19, the emergence of the FLiRT variants has ignited apprehension and intrigue within the public health sphere. ...

The emergence of West Virginia's first measles case in over 15 years has sent ripples of concern throughout the nation and beyond. ...